Who's Your Daddy? Why, I'm your daddy of course. Can you spot the bull in this photo? No Bull! Really! The cattle were all moved to the west pasture this morning, and a little bit of bribery never hurts to grease the skids. This pasture has more trees, and the stock tank is full of water, but they are spoiled with city water, so they are not really happy that I have cut off the water to their troughs. But in a couple days, they will not even remember the water in the troughs, and the water in the tank will be just fine once again.
I got a lot of things accomplished today, including staying in bed until almost 7 o'clock. You should not confuse that with having slept until 7, I just did not get out of bed. I still wake up early, but on weekends I just try to convince myself to stay calm, don't move, go back to sleep. Sometimes it works better than other times. Miguel did not come out this morning; he called and said his wife did not give him permission (he is newly married). That did not really bother me, I would actually prefer that he come out next weekend. That will be better for us, even though I will be out of town.

The chicken coop got cleaned, and the girls have fresh water and feed; the AC filters got changed, the cattle got moved and fed, I shined all my shoes, Jody and I went into Georgetown (it's the weekend, what do you expect?) and had a spoiler and I did some shopping (I got some new dress tee-shirts to wear with suits), stopped at HEB and Tractor Supply and we worked on the air-show in the front of the house. The air-show was Jody's anniversary gift last year, and it has always needed to be lubricated, but I just did not think I could do it by myself. As it turns out, I could, and did. SO that was quite an accomplishment for me. All the moving parts are moving much better now, and it is also much quieter that it has been.
While we were at HEB they were announcing that all the 'kids' should go back to the seafood department to see Oscar the Octopus, so of course, there I went. I was expecting to see an Octopus swimming around, but it was a dead octopus on a bed of ice. Kind of anti-climactic. AND, I had left my camera in the car, so I took a photo of it with my cell phone and e-mailed it to myself, but it still has not shown up in my e-mail. I may surprise you with it tomorrow.

Guess what we are having for dinner tomorrow night? This is an annual thing with one of the Lutheran Churches in Walburg, and this will be the third time we have participated. We will be getting a LOT of food; sausage, cole-slaw, potato salad, beans, bread and dessert. And it will be piled high. Yummy!
The one thing that was on my list today was to cut some grass, and I did not get that done. I can cut the grass in the dogs yard one evening this week, but the rest of it will just have to wait. It is not anything overwhelming, so I will just put it off for a while. I was going to put something here about California passing the 'legalize Marijuana' law (on Tuesday, maybe) and hooking that into a comment about the 'grass', but I really could not make it work, so I just dropped it. Probably a smart move, what do you think?

The chickens seem to have overcome their trauma from the Chihuahua's the other day, and they are back to laying six eggs today. They will be very happy to see they have a clean house later this evening, and I even added a little bit of alfalfa hay to their nesting boxes, even though they only seem to use three (at the most) of the six boxes. They generally use only two of the boxes, which is kind of contrary to everything I read about chickens when I was just getting started with this hobby. But, they all seem to be happy as clams, so I am not going to question it. If they just keep those eggs coming, everything will be good.
This will be a short week at the office, I will cram a lot into three days, and take off Thursday morning for New Orleans. I really look forward to the NAR Conventions, and I always learn a lot and pick up a lot of really good ideas.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, AIR SHOW, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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