Okay, I am an idiot. For those of you who know me, that does not come as any surprise, and is not really considered newsworthy. As you know, I have not been feeling very well for the last several days. You know that as well, since I have been whining about it for the last several days as well. Let's just say I do not do sick very well. I don't liking not feeling well, and I don't have that much experience with it, so I do not know really what I am supposed to do when I am sick. SO, as a general rule, I just whine and make those unfortunates around me miserable. My mother used to say 'Misery Loves Company'. Whatever...
So, since I thought I was feeling better over the weekend, I got outside and did lots of work around the house, and I think yesterday I REALLY overdid it. I am not going to go into the details, but let's just say that by about 8 o'clock last night, I was re-evaluating my weekend. I think I should have just taken it easy and rested the weekend away, but NOOOOOOO...

Anyway, I did not sleep well at all last night, had a headache and ear pains. CRAZY. I got up early this morning and headed out for the TREPAC Golf Tournament, and I was there at 7 this morning. I did not put on a very brave face, but I was there. I still have that medicine head thing going on as well, you know, where your head feels like a GIANT basketball. Anyway, I begged out of the Golf Tournament and left for the office about 9:30 or so. I got to the office, and was there for about an hour and a half before I left and came home. Crawled up in my big blue chair, and slept for about three hours. Still feel crappy, but I will get a good nights sleep tonight, I hope. Interestingly, I have a regular doctors appointment in the morning, but it is just for a regular check up.

On the way home I stopped and voted. Early voting starts today, and the place was packed. No matter if your particular candidate wins or loses, it is important that you get out and vote for the person of your choice. That is how that Democracy thing is supposed to work.
Here is to a better tomorrow.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, VOTE, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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