This sunrise was the harbinger of another beautiful day, and it lived up to all its' promise! It was a busy day for sure. Usual chores after getting up kind of late. I took a dozen eggs over to Randy and Irene, and came back home and went out into the back pastures with the weed-eater, and trimmed the grasses from around the electric fences. The electric fences are around the far perimeters of about seventeen acres of pasture land, and the tall grasses had grown up around seven acres of that fence, and I had to trim it down on both sides of the wires. The grasses were easily four feet high, and with it up on the wires, it disrupts the impedance of the electrical shock that keeps the cattle contained within the fence. SO, that has been done, and now the shock is at a pretty good level, good enough at least to keep a bull-headed little bull calf (who still has his huevos intact) from trying to get loose, I hope. Time will tell.

I got finished with that around 12:30, and we headed into Georgetown for (guess what?) a spoiler. After that, Jody needed to stop at HEB for a few supplies, and then we came home and we both went down for naps. I napped longer than Jody did, but when I woke up, I went out and trimmed some more grass at the front of the property, and then decided to put the pool cover on the pool. Even though our temperatures are still in the mid-to-high 80's during the day, the temperature of the pool water has plummeted, so we may as well cover it up for the season. Putting this pool cover on is not an easy job, and I am glad I am only faced with it once a year. I am thinking I will need to find a burly-worker-dude to help me with in next year. BUT, then again, maybe by this time next year, I will be a burly-worker-dude myself. It could happen!

After I got finished with all that, I was putting tools away, and four of the chickens were up around the garage, and they decided they should have a little petting. These black and white Plymouth Rocks are really my favorites as far as cosmetics are concerned, although the Blond Sex Links are really my favorites. But, they all like to be petted, and all like to have their waddles wiggled around. Who wouldn't? Anyway, this one was sitting in my lap for a while, but of course I disturbed her trying to get my camera out of my pocket. They are all very curious, and I had no idea that house chickens would turn out to be so social. I had read that in the books, but they really are very social animals, and they love to chase me around. Whatever...
Tomorrow starts another work week, and it will be kind-of a busy one. Volunteering for the TREPAC Golf Tournament tomorrow, a couple things going on on Tuesday, teaching two classes on Wednesday, and normal busy days on Thursday and Friday. I have a special treat for myself on Saturday, but I will wait and not disclose any of the details to you until the post on that date. I am VERY excited about it, though.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, POOL COVERS, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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