El Medico states that I will make a full recovery, sooner or later. Whatever. He said it is a combination of a really bad head cold and old age. I have decided the best I can hope for is to become Old and Wise, and I am half-way there. I hope someday I will think I am wise, because many days I really feel old. Not that there is anything wrong with that...
I got up this morning and did my chores, and I am still rather proud of the fact that I found the water leak the other day. This morning when I checked the water meter, the little wheel was spinning uncontrollably, and upon further investigation, I discovered that the cattle had broken one of the PVC feeds in the FAR back pasture, and among the other inconveniences, we lost 6 thousand gallons of water during the day yesterday. All will be well on Sunday, our handy person Miguel will be here to fix all the leaks. In the meantime, the cattle have to walk further for their water, but I doubt they really think too much about that. I wish I knew what went through their heads when the snapped the pipe and the geyser formed. Probably not much of anything except, 'Oh look, water! Never saw that here before.'
Carrie and I attended the NARPM luncheon and we had a round-table discussion, and some of the members shared forms that they found useful. I think they will be useful as well! Carrie was elected the Marketing Chair for the chapter in 2011. CONGRATULATIONS! That will be a big job for her!
Tomorrow will be a day of teaching at the Board of REALTORS; TREC Ethics and Legal Update, two classes that I really enjoy teaching. It is also very interesting to see how all the pieces of the giant puzzle fit together, and how one thing affects another. Connecting the dots is fun!
Okay, one month ago tomorrow we got our first egg from the chickens. The talley for the first month is EXACTLY SIX DOZEN EGGS. We are averaging three or four eggs a day, the least we have gotten is one, and the most is five. Not too bad for our little girls. Guess who is having omelets for dinner tonight? They are delicious!
Deeds, Actions, Changes, WATER LEAKS, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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