Lots and lots of accomplishments have been made today. I slept in until about 6:30, and got up and did routine chores...neither one of us were hungry, since we had a really nice dinner last night. It seemed like as soon as I got up it was time for me to head out to my 9 o'clock appointment in Schwertner. Got a little house photographed (signed and lock-boxed) and will get it listed tonight in the MLS.

Once I got home, I got the tractor out and shredded some of the high grass just east of the house, and we put a tarp down to kill the grass in that area. The tarp is probably about 20 x 50 feet, and we are trying to get the grass in that area killed so we can put in our first garden there in the spring. It was recommended that we just spray the area we want to plant with Round-Up, but we will try to get rid of the grass this way first. I cannot believe that Round-Up would not also harm the vegetables we would be trying to grow in the spring, as well as getting rid of the grasses; we shall see. Just as we were getting that finished, Pauline stopped over and brought us two loaves of pumpkin bread. I have not had any yet, but Jody says it is delicious. In return, Pauline got a dozen eggs, the first dozen eggs we have given away and I expect there will be plenty more!
We headed into Georgetown and stopped at Dairy Queen for spoilers; then it was on to Home Depot to get a 'water-key'. The thing you use to shut-off main water lines that are in the ground. I went to two places that I thought would have them yesterday, but no luck. Easy pickings at Home Depot, though!

When we got home from that, Jody went down for a nap, and I went out in the back and 'tricked' the cattle into the small front pasture, so I could work in one of the bigger pastures without being harassed. I moved two bales of hay out there for them (I had to bring one hay ring out of the far pasture) and now there is no need to worry about them getting hungry while I am gone next week. I also brought the troughs over from the far pasture, and tomorrow morning I will give them some cubes as a special treat before I leave.
After that, I cleaned out the chicken coop, so all that is done and I don't have to worry about it. Three more eggs today, and one of the eggs was a jumbo sized one; one of those girls is an over-achiever!

Right now we are waiting around for a delivery of firewood. We have ordered two cords of wood, and the alleged delivery window will shortly be expired. I hope it gets delivered today, it has already been cancelled twice. Maybe the third time is the charm. Update: The firewood has been delivered, and he was actually just a few minutes late. I think we have enough wood to last us the season, even though I have no idea what I am judging that by. All I know is, there is a LOT of firewood stacked up out there. I think a cord of firewood is supposed to be 4' x 4' x 8', and this definitely looks like it would be that much times two. It has been seasoned for almost a year, so it should all be good. It will be interesting for us to have our first fire of the season, probably a week or so after I get back next week. We have to do a test run of the new heater before that though, so I will you all know how it works out.
Later on this afternoon, we are heading into Austin; we have been invited to an open-house at our friends John and Susan. We need to arrive there in time to see the sunset from their patio. It should be very nice.
I will finish this entry when we get home...
Okay, we are home. Susan and John had a wonderful party, and their home is really beautiful. John has done lots of work outside, and it all shows. The backyard is terraced, and you can look out over a valley. We arrived in time for sunset, and it was magnificent.
It has been a long day, time for bed.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, CHORES, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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