This is not a complaint. The skies have been grey all day long, and we have had at least one nice little shower. We got about a quarter-inch of rain, but parts of Austin received over an inch, and northeast of us they got seven inches. A quarter-inch is better than nothing, so there are no complaints here. In the next week or so, maybe another inch-and-a-half, and that will be lovely, PLUS the temperatures are down considerably, and there is a cold front (really) expected next Tuesday. I don't expect this is really fall weather, this is our annual fake-fall. It just lulls us into a false state of calm, and then we will get blasted with 100 temperatures again til the middle of October. Our Texas REALTOR® meetings concluded today, and I will head in to the office tomorrow and see what is going on. I have a stop or two to make on the way in, and then it will be a three-day weekend, which I am really looking forward to. We should have more three-day weekends, in my opinion. And grey skies and cool weather, just right for taking a nap! Or three...
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