I was not keen on the new blog format that I tried (ruefully) last night, so tonight I am declining to use the new format. I will give it a go another time. A nice day in central Texas, I did very little of anything that could be considered productive today, I did get in the car and drove to Liberty Hill, just for the hell of it. I did not see a thing that I needed to stop for, so I basically just took a two hour drive to nowhere. I meant to stop and get some lotto tickets, but I forgot, and I expect I will NOT win, since I don't have a ticket. Tomorrow I think I may drive towards Elgin, just to see what there is to see there, maybe not. I do need to do a few chores tomorrow, but nothing of any consequence. I did water pot plants this afternoon, since we have been a couple days with no rain. I think the ground plants are still quite comfortable, and there is a chance of rain again next week. Something with dirty feet has been walking across the pool deck, getting drinks of water from the bird bath. I think it looks like raccoon tracks, but I can't be sure, I am really not THAT rural. Anybody know?
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