Yesterday's entry did not get posted until this morning. My Someone cut the fiber optics cable for my Internet Provider, so I had very limited service last night. I did everything I knew to do (reset lots of different things) and finally called the provider, and their phone messages said, basically, we were all out of luck. That was comforting, and when I got up this morning, everything was back to abnormal! I went to get the leak in my tire fixed this morning, and after waiting a hour-and-a-half, I was told I needed new tires. They did not even attempt to fix the leak. Had they said 'okay, we'll put a plug in it but you really need to get new tires pretty soon' that would have been acceptable, but they did not, so I left. I expect I will have new tires sometime next week. I was very un-Karen like, did not make a scene, I just did not drop $1,200 right then and there. I did buy some lottery tickets later this afternoon, so I am expecting to be rich by the morning. I will let you know, maybe. Maybe not. Tomorrow I am planning a quick grocery trip, maybe a visit to Stein Mart (since they are closing up), and maybe a stop at Bed, Bath and Beyond. No real reason, just because! This storm dropped over an inch of rain in about 40 minutes, and that was nice. Strong winds, too, lots of lightning, lots of thunder. Electricity went out a couple times, just long enough to mess up the clocks. I have not reset them yet. Maybe later. Maybe not.
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