To continue my rant from last night about my concerns about continuing this journal, just so you will know, this journal entry will the the 4,356th entry to this journal. One entry per day (I have missed two or three days along the way). That's a lot of days. I am totally crazy. I am OCD and CDO all wrapped into one crazy man. I told someone today that I could charge admissions to get inside my head, and people would not want to leave once they got inside. Whatever. Enough of that. I had a zoom meeting today that went from 9AM until about 2PM, a great zoom meeting it was, too! Then I headed in to the office. I did some power real estate, and then left for home at about ten minutes til 5. Along the way, I encountered lots of twinkly lights and thought for a minute that it was a Holiday display on the Interstate, but alas it was not to be. If you look closely at the picture, you can see that this particular wreck occurred across the service road from the Bee Safe Storage place in Round Rock. I just find that to be a little ironic! The wreck was not even on my side of the highway, but everything slows down so everyone can get a good luck, and some of us take pictures to document the event. Tomorrow is going to be much the same as today, except I do not expect to make a trip in to Austin. Maybe I will make one in to Round Rock to get some errands done, but not in to Austin!
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