Another day is in the books, and I finished everything on my TO-DO list. Some chores are definitely easier to complete than others. i am NOT a very big fan (not even a little fan) or corporate medicine. A year ago, our GP closed his office and went to work for a corporation. Think Walmart, only it's a doctors office. This was my second visit (I go every six months), and today was my annual physical. When I arrived, the squares on the sidewalk said to wait there and someone would be out to retrieve me momentarily. When the assigned person came out to retrieve me, the question was "Do you have an appointment?", which I thought was totally stupid, because if I were only there to rob them of prescription samples, I would most likely NOT was within the confined of the taped off square on the sidewalk. The experience (mostly) went downhill from there. I filled out some forms, signed some things electronically that I was not asked to read or review (there goes my first born child), and then told to go sit in the corner and they would call me. Interestingly, there were three people named William in the waiting room, and it was like the Three Stooges trying to get through the door at the same time. But alas, I was escorted to a small room where a very nice (allegedly competent) young lady started to ask me questions; What medications are you taking? Isn't it all there in the computer? We just want to verify. I don't know, I just take what has been prescribed. There are four of them, not including the Ambien. Whatever. My doctor (who I really like and have been seeing for about 15 years), came in and we made it through the rest of the physical. I think for an old guy, I am in pretty good shape, but that will not be confirmed until the blood work comes back. I told him my basic diet consists of frozen chicken pot pies, potato chips and diet coke. I hope he is seated when the blood work results are presented to him.
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