Well, I am doing laundry. My second load, because I forgot to put some of the dirty clothes in the first load, that had plenty of room for the other stuff. So, I am on my second load. I even washed the placemats on the breakfast room table in the first go 'round. I had only a few chores to get done on my list today, and everything has been checked off. The girls have started laying again, so I am happy about that. So far this month, I have retrieved 15 eggs, so they are well on their way to being productive again. I had brunch today with Candy and Terry, and I am happy to have this new routine starting. Sunday brunch is fun, and I like getting out. I had a few things in the car to drop off at the new house, so we did that after brunch, and Terry (apparently a technical wizard) got my internet connected, so I have WIFI at the new house now. Although it is supposed to be 1 gig, I don't think it really is, but it is a lot faster than the internet at the farm, so that is an improvement. This week will kind of be a downhill slide to Christmas, and I do not have very much on my plate. The garage floor is supposed to be finished on Tuesday, some appliances are supposed to be delivered on Wednesday, car charger installed on Thursday, and furniture delivered on Saturday. That should be enough to keep me busy for a while. Interestingly, Michael and Lynda visited the new house a couple weeks ago, and they brought me this amaryllis for the new house. I had brought Lynda and Michael one as well, so we just swapped amarylli, is that the plural of amaryllis? And, by the way, today is Lynda's birthday!
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