I don't know what was the most difficult thing I did today, move a lot of furniture from the farm to the new house in Georgetown, or put clean sheets on the bed. I considered just sleeping on the mattress with a cover, but I thought the Georgetown Police would probably issue me a citation. I could get away with stuff like that out in the country, but I am not so sure about here. I have all the necessities of life here as of now, as long as you don't think cable television is a necessity, and I will spend this evening in the new house. Part of the reason I am going forward with the journal is because I believe my posts will be a little bit more up-beat. Everyone has a lot vested in 2021, I don't want to let anyone down. All is well that ends well, so I am not sure what to expect, but I (and I hope all of you) will be just fine.
I love you all...and by the way, I intend to kill off the last of the box wine tonight...I am prepared to pay $4.50 for a bottle of wine now.
Happy new year Bill!!!