It rained a wee bit overnight, 0.06". I got off to a slow start this morning, thinking I had the luxury of time, until I realized it was 7:40 and I had an 8:30 appointment. Of course, by then, it was raining again, and I am not really happy to be driving in the rain, especially if I have not followed my own advice, and left late. Everything worked out alright, and by about 3 o'clock this afternoon, I was back home and ready for a nap. I forgot to mention to you all yesterday, that I bought a new house. I was a couple months in the happening, including terminating the contract on one house because I just could not get past the poor construction. I put this house under contract just after Thanksgiving, and closed the transaction yesterday. I like it, and it will be another journey. The plan is to get into the new house (for all practical purposes) by the end of 2020, clear out the house at the farm by the end of February, do some painting and make ready stuff in March, and get the house at the farm on the sales market by the end of April. I am putting the house on the market with five acres, and keeping the other 70 acres, just to see what the future might bring. You never know about the future, but the consensus seems to be that I sell the house and five acres, and keep the rest of the land. I love this house (at the farm), but I think it is best that I move. The new house is in Georgetown, and there are things to do and people around, so...that will be the beginning of the next chapter.
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