I had a nightmare last night that lingered on for about an hour after I woke up. I dreamed that I ordered a gas dryer for the new house, and that it really needed to be modified for propane. After I woke up, I went on-line to find out where I could buy a kit to convert the dryer from gas to propane. After I had been searching for a while, I realized that the dryer I already have is propane ready, so why didn't I just keep the washer and dryer that I have instead of buying a new set. It was at that point that I realized that there is no gas OR propane connection at the new house, it is set up for an electric dryer, and THAT is why I bought a new washer/dryer. Have you ever had a nightmare linger into your awake time? It's a first for me, I can hardly imagine what I will dream about tonight. My first appointment at the new house this morning was due for a 10 to noon window, and the second was from noon until 6. Everybody arrived early, and everything was delivered and installed by about 1:15. I went back over to the house earlier this evening, just to make sure nothing was leaking, and everything was just fine. Today also started the 'how much crap can I get in the car' period, which will go on for about the next month or six weeks. Otherwise, everything is good. I did hang the first picture this morning, in a similar spot at the new house as it was here at the farm. I have always loved this painting, and I am very happy that it will be with me in a good place going forward. Tomorrow will be much like today, meeting an electrician in the morning, then running a couple errands, then meeting up with Michael and Lynda, and then home.
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