It rained off-and-on (mostly on) all day today. Here at the Edge of Nowhere, we have received (at last count) 0.43" for the day. And it is chilly. Last I looked it was 46 degrees and still sprinkling rain. Not supposed to get too cold overnight, but I will need to bring the plants back in the garage tomorrow afternoon. There is a threat of freezing temperatures for the next several nights. Then it is supposed to be back up in the 70s on Monday. Can you smell that? It smells to me like I got the Ikea dresser totally put together this afternoon. I am aware of only two screws that I used that should have been two other screws, and I call that a win! The girls are in the fancy kennel this evening, and they will be there for the next two nights. I will pick them up on Saturday. The movers are supposed to be here tomorrow morning, and I expect to spend the night at the new house tomorrow, if everything works out the way I have it planned. Except for the rain. I did not plan on rain. It is supposed to be raining all day (again) tomorrow. I guess it will be messy, but I will get it all worked out. More tomorrow...
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