I call this one
Jacob's Ladders with Clouds and Telephone Pole. I really jut want everyone to know that I an not in Brazil with this photo. I was actually allowed to sleep with no early morning dog disturbances, but I still got out of bed around 6:30 this morning. I would really like to sleep until about 8 o'clock in the morning, but I really cannot imagine what that would be like. Second best thing is to get up, let the girls out, have some coffee, check e-mails and do a bit of this-and-that, and then retire to the big chair for a little bit of a nap. Not a real nap, there was no sleeping involved, but it was just doing nothing. Then I got up, did a bit more of this-and-that, and then got back in the chair, where I did close my eyes and nap for a bit. I got up, then ventured into Georgetown to make a stop at Tractor Supply (meal worms, flock blocks, chicken feed), and then in to Austin to meet with a group of prospective clients. I left the office, headed back north, and got to the farm about 5:15. Cat fed, chicken supplies delivered, chickens fed and watered, and eggs collected. I got back to the Lazy House about an hour later, and now I am pretty much settled in for the evening. Life is good...
Whew! that was an abundantly busy long day you put in! And, mention of Tractor Supply reminds me I need to get over there to pick up some corn the squirrels!