More sturdy stands the bowing reed, than doth the might oak. I attribute this quote to Shakespeare, something I read in high school, but honestly, I have no idea who or where it is from. There is also the possibility that I made the whole thing up, and that I am smarter than I think I am. Said nobody ever. I just asked Mrs. Google about that quote, and she came up with nothing, so maybe it is all just a fig newton of my imagination, but it has been serving me well for years and years. I have always just said that it means you have to bend to the wind. Change with the times. Adapt. And so I try very hard to do that. I do not like criticism, but I try to take it objectively and with an open mind. Said nobody ever. Bottom line, if I am on a mission, I try to overcome obstacles that might present themselves. For better or for worse. For richer or for poorer, etc., etc., etc. I am convinced that the local birds have discovered the bird feeder out in the back yard. I have seen them frequenting it, and I have watched the contents be reduced on a daily basis. With that encouragement, I went yesterday to figure out a way to install some hummingbird feeders, and I think I was pretty successful. This morning, I spent a good thirty minutes cleaning the old feeders, and filled them with nectar. Dammit, one of the feeders leaked, and I exchanged it with another one that is not leaking so far. I will be pretty darned happy if I see any hummers at the feeders, and later in the week, I expect to install a couple more of those hooks for some hanging baskets that should also attract the hummers. Fingers crossed...
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