Happy 420 Day, y'all! I watched Willie on the news this morning, advocating for the legalization of marijuana. I think we could all use a good hit now and again, just to get us through the day. Plus, it could be regulated, taxed, controlled. There are (IMHO) more benefits than burdens. But that is just my opinion, but it is always good to see Willie on the toob. I also went and voted this morning, on my way in to the office. There were no lines, but the place was not empty, either. A nice steady stream of old people, exercising their right to vote. I had only two questions on my ballot, both about school board trustees. If you are on Facebook, you may also know that I was asked to participate in an exit poll, which I did, and told them who I voted for. The pollster was taking down the results with a number two pencil, but that was okay with me. In all these years, I have never been asked to participate, so I was happy to do it today. Then it was off to work, and it was not a bad day for that, either. After the office, it was off to the farm, and those chores were done in just a few minutes. I stopped off at HEB on the way back to the Curious House, and I only spent $22. Apples, bananas, milk celery, hummus. That should last me for a week, taking into account the food I still have in the freezers from my hoarding missions when the COVIDS first hit.I know for sure I will not starve!
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