It seems many of my days are busy, and many are filled with confusion and anxiety. Today was not a real exception to the rule. I took three boxes of table ware and dish sets to Goodwill this morning, and then headed off to the office. I got some work done in the office, did some this and that, and at about 2 o'clock I headed to the tax appraisers office. It seems that, when Jody died and I put the house and farm in my name alone, all the exemptions went away. Homestead, over 65 and agriculture exemptions. The ag exemptions were easy (everything is relative) to get corrected, and I should know something about that in a couple months. The Homestead and over 65 exemption were another story. In order to go forward with those exemptions with a 'survivor' classification, I had to present them with a copy of our marriage certificate and marriage license. I had those, but who in the hell knew exactly where they were. I have mounds-and-mounds of papers after Jody passed, and I just had to go through all the piles of papers and all the various envelopes, because that was not the first time it had been asked for, just the first time in over a year. BUT, I found what I needed, went back to the tax appraisers office, and got that piece filed. It too will be a couple months before I hear anything. Tomorrow I need to get back in touch with the tax appraiser in ANOTHER county to get the school district taxes (that I paid last Otcober) straightened out. It will all work out, I have no fear. In the meantime, enjoy the clouds.
"They" don't make it easy