For almost thirty years, this lock box (it weighs about 30 pounds) had lived in our closet, and I never needed to look inside it, and I never did look inside it. It was one of those things that you saw on such a regular basis, that you just ignored it, and never gave it a thought. After jody died, I did find the key to it, and I looked inside it. There was nothing of any real significance, so I locked it back up (you cannot remove the key unless it is locked), and did not give it much thought anymore. After the move, and after I found literally a hundred keys here and there, I went on a quest to find the key, and I figured the key was lost forever. I took the box to the locksmith down the street from the office about two months ago, and called one time to inquire about it, and this morning, I just stopped in. It was on one of the guys work stations when I went in; they said they could not find a key blank for it, they had tried to pick the lock, they had done just about everything they could think of and had not been able to get into the box. They only thing they could think of was to drill the lock out, but they could not guarantee that they could then find another lock to replace it. I told them about all the keys I had at the Lazy House, and did they have any idea what the key looked like, so I could try to narrow it down? They showed me something they thought might be similar, and then the Prevagen kicked in. WAIT JUST A DARN MINUTE! I went out to my car, opened my briefcase, took out several sets of keys (technically work keys), and found the golden key. The key had been riding around with me on a daily basis for at least the last year, and I cound not find the freakin' key. But now I have found it. If I lose it again, please DM me and remind me where it is. How was your day?
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