I have always acknowledged the fact that I am the perfect target for Madison Avenue. I am convinced that A: I have Irritable Bowel Syndrome, or B: I am just easily irritated. Even though I know that the food dressers pretty up the food in the commercials, I go try the latest thing and am (almost) always disappointed. Have you ever been drinking and dialing? It is interesting the things that arrive at your doorstep two or three days after a sleepless night and box of cheap Merlot. I am really glad I have yet to figure out how to order via places like GrubHub, or whatever else they are called. I entered one of the chickens in a national pet contest (Merlot and a credit card), and she is now a finalist. Even though I know I will have to put something together (and become more irritable), I am a fool for Ikea commercials. I know they are really, REALLY stoopid, but I am fascinated with refrigerators that have wifi, and that you can see what's inside without opening the door(s). That is NOT something that is on my wish list. If I knew how to dance, I might be interested in an Alexa speaker that fits in the shower head. I like all the shows on tv about home renovations, but so far (so far), I have not caved in to buy any of the + (pronounced plus) streaming channels. Actually, all those commercials just make me more and more angry. In other news, I have seen TWO humming birds at a time today, so I am really happy about that, AND, even though it made me a little bit more irritable, this traffic
slowdown was TOTALLY worth it!
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