It's comin' up a storm! Banners messing up the television, Most of it is expected to be west of us, but it is expected to be raining all night. Maybe not starting here until about 11, and I should be out by then. AND, these girls are not annoyed at all with thunder and lightning. I am really old, and these are the first dogs I have ever had that were not afraid of lightning and thunder. They are fond, however, of puking at 3 or 4 o'clock in the morning. I need to get one of those Bissell carpet cleaner things, and I keep forgetting to check out Amazon. I try and try, but when I am blurry I am not particularly good at blotting. Part of it is also the cheap-ass carpet that was installed in the Curious House. So, I will work on that. Tomorrow. Now, speaking about tomorrow...I am going to try and get in to the office early (it will be raining, don't forget), and then I will leave early to get back north. I am going to Horseshoe Bay tomorrow evening to be one of the judges in a Chili Cook-Off. I wonder if this is an appropriate time to discuss Irritable Bowel Syndrome? I don't know if I have it, but the commercials are really trying to convince me that I do. I suppose I will know for sure tomorrow night when I am on my way home. In the meantime, I may sleep with the blinds up some tonight, just in case there is some really good lightning displays. Maybe it will make up for the clouds covering the Pink Full Moon. One more thing; what do you see in the clouds? Do you see the big foot and the five toes?
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