I did not do a whole lot today. I had intended to do more, but my inner procrastinator won the challenge, and there is always tomorrow. I got my walk in with Jay this morning, and then I came home and got in a little nap. That was interrupted with a little bit of real estate, but it all worked out in the end. I left some paperwork in the office yesterday, so I decided to go in to Austin to get that, and on the way, I stopped at two estate sales. The first one worried me that I was going to catch something just from walking into the house, and the second one was just kind of plain. Both were in Barton Hills, and really upscale neighborhood, but you can't account for some dead peoples stuff. I expect the same will be said of me when I croak my last! Then I went to the office, did a few things, and left to head back north, and forgot to pick up the papers that was the whole reason for going to Austin in the first place. I had every intention of stopping at HEB on the way home to the Curious House, but I put that off until tomorrow, too. Or maybe Monday. Saturday night wine was at my house this evening, and a good time was had by all. I got the chance to meet Peter and his mom, and that was nice.
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