Well, depending on who you care to listen to, the Curious House was either struck by lightning last night, or it wasn't. If it wasn't struck, the other possibility is that lightning struck a nearby transformer, but I am the only house in the neighborhood that has been affected. The whole house surge protector was not damaged, but 16 of the 25 circuit breakers in the garage have been 'fried.' Nothing inside the house, or I should say inside the living quarters of the house, have been damaged. In addition to the circuit breakers, the 'furnace' part of the HVAC system is a goner as well. No AC until Thursday or Friday. All of this has pretty well taken up my whole day, and I think there will be bits and pieces of it going on until the HVAC gets fixed. Then there may well be various claims to see if I can recover any of the expense. I think there may be issues with the two garage door openers, they have a battery backup, and I am not convinced that they are operating 'as intended.' Maybe it is just my imagination. I have not experienced any terrible inconvenience is the last 25 hours, but I may change my mind on that in another day or two. The house is at 79 degrees right now, but it is not a humid kind of warmth, and the ceiling fans are helping. Tomorrow, after my walk, I have a zoom from 10 til 12, and then may go in to the office, maybe not. I will be playing it by ear to see what happens. I need to go and check my laptop to make sure it works before I need it in the morning.
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