I did a little bit of labor today, but nothing much, really. I did my walk in the morning, then I am pretty sure I took a nap. I got a little bit of energy about 10:30, and started pitching, shredding and organizing papers that I moved from the farm to the Curious House. Bank statements and various bits of this-and-that dating back to 1985 or so. Stuff that I HAD to move from the farm and I am now going through and disposing of. It is a pretty good feeling, actually. And now, for something completely different... I have spent thousands of dollars on a solar system here at the Curious House, and now the breaker box in the garage is f*cked up. I have electricity to most of the plugs in the house, but no lights, and both of the refrigerators do not have power. I am a sad little farmer right now. I guess I will run extension cords from outlets that work to the refrigerators, and I will see if I can find someone to come out in the morning to fix this. Sometimes (most of the time) I feel like the luckiest man in the world, and other times (like now, and not very frequently) I feel like I can't win. It will all be okay I expect. SO...as I was cleaning out stuff this afternoon, I ran across the photo that is accompanying this post. My high school graduation class photo. My year books are long gone, a victim of the many moves I have made, but every now and then, something turns up.
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