Overall, I am comfortable with my decision NOT to pay the $7 toll for the Express Lane on my commute home this afternoon. Had I spent the $7, I expect I might have made it home about ten minutes sooner than I did, but I didn't, so that is that. Yesterday was a long day (I got home AFTER 10 o'clock), and today was a long day as well. It was not as long for me as it was for some of my colleagues, who had MUCH longer drives home that I did. At least one had a five-and-a-half hour drive, in the dark. Ugh. But, I am comforted with the fact that I will (hopefully) sleep better tonight than I have for several nights this past week. Mainly just from the tiredness I am experiencing. My first choice of word in the previous sentence was 'exhaustion,' but I doubt that I am really exhausted. Just tired. I'll be better tomorrow. My garage door openers were replaced this afternoon, and thanks to my neighbor Jay, I am mostly back living in a world of leisure. When I was a kid growing up outside Detroit, there was no such thing as a garage door opener or a remote control for the television. I need to correct that last sentence a little bit, I was BOTH the garage door opener and the remote control for the television. I am a little bit disappointed that the vendor did not complete the deck, but they are closer now than they were on Tuesday, mainly since the DID show up today, not yesterday. They did remove the rail separating the patio from the deck, so I can now access the deck from the patio, and I like that very much. I have no idea if they will show up tomorrow or not, but the new furniture for the deck is scheduled to arrive, so...
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