A new arrival to the Gulag is asked: "What were you given ten years for?" - "For nothing!" - "Don't lie to us, everybody knows 'for nothing' is three years!" Later, 'for nothing' could get you five to ten years! Too damn cold this morning, but we walked. It is supposed to be colder tomorrow morning, below freezing, but hopefully there will not be 30 mile an hour winds out of the north. Socks are out, so 2010! I am officially beginning a new trend with mens colorful footwear. Why not? This is the third pair of shoes I have bought recently, and I am going all out for more colorful shoes. The piglet in the background is not at all impressed, since she sees nothing at all in these two pairs that she can easily digest. It's Friday, and today was just two zoom meetings. All the zooms were done by 12:30, and I left the office for home at about two o'clock this afternoon. I had a couple errands to run, and then I got home and took a nap. Or two. It was cold in the house, so I cranked up the heat, and now it is all comfy cozy inside. I have a couple things to get done tomorrow and Sunday, but nothing terribly difficult. Life is good, not too many complaints here!
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