Onions, apples, and potatoes all have the same taste. Their smells are what gives them different flavors. So...I wonder, if you hold your nose and eat one of each, you won't know the difference? I think the textures will give it away. I think if you hold your nose and eat ANYTHING, you can't taste it, but that might just be an old wives tale. I did not walk this morning, and I was up earlier than usual. I had an 8 o'clock appointment at my doctors, and you never know how long it will take you to get somewhere. I got there at 7:20, sat in the parking lot until 7:40, went in and started giving people a hard time. Sign this pad, and this is what you are signing. I just had to take their word for it, because I did not see the two documents I signed. The EKG was normal, I had a blood draw, the results came bace really good, IF I am reading the report I got via e-mail correctly. I will wait to see if they call me and give me a verbal all-clear. I am supposed to have an appointment with a cardiologist, but I don't know if they are going to make the appointment, or if I am supposed to be proactive and call him myself. We will wait and see. I went to dinner tonight with Dan and Nancy, their movers will be here tomorrow between 8AM and 10AM, and when they leave tomorrow night (they will spend the night with Paulina), that will be the last time I will see them for a while. They are good friends here in my new neighborhood, and I hate to see them go. Life goes on. I did eat a cookie today, so that was a good thing!
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