It took a little bit of looking, but I think this is a celandine wood poppy. Kind of close to a butter cup, but butter cups have five petals, this has only four. It is a perennial with grey/green leaves, and is known for its large, poppy-like, yellow flowers. I noticed the two blossoms this morning on our walk, and I thought they were worth noting. Spring, it seems, has sprung, but I think it is possible that another late term freeze could happen. The odds are long, but it could happen. A calm day in the office, Tosalyn and I went to an estate sale (I bought $20 worth of trinkets), Tosalyn came away empty handed. Another beautiful day here, I took the covers off the furniture on the back deck, and sat outside for a little while. Lovely. There is a strong chance of rain next Wednesday, but it will be worth the chore of covering everything back up for the great weekend that is looming. I am working from home tomorrow, hoping to supervise the landscape peeps. There is also an appointment to have the lawn aerated tomorrow afternoon. Always something to do (or have done). The weekend is looking relatively open, and I think there are some naps in my future.
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