Apparently, today is National Backyard Day. Okay. For us, Saturday's are let's meet in Dick and Marge's garage and drink some wine. That is much more fun that sitting in the backyard. Today was an extra fun day for me. I got a lot of things done. It started with our walk, it was cold, but no wind to mention. Then, I took the girls to the beautiful parlor, went through the $13 twenty-five cent car wash, and stopped at Panera Bread (orange scones and cranberry orange muffins) on the way home. Deb and Marge and I then headed out to a plant sale that I had seen advertised but by the time we got there, they had nothing left but some succulents. Then, there was an opportunity for an estate sale, and we all came away with some treasures. A great morning. The girls were ready shortly after, and I stopped at Home Depot in the way and got some opaque window film for the front door. I had wanted this film done, and I tried to find someone to come out and do it, and I was talking to Deb about it, and she said she had done it, so I thought I might as well take a chance. I am very proud of myself for getting it done. It looks pretty decent, too! I got some grocery shopping done, too, and so I am set for a while. I have so much dog food, the girls will never, ever go hungry. We had wine tonight in Dick and Marge's garage, and we were joined by our new neighbors, Moe and Yo. Yo is pronounced 'Jo,' and they moved in next door to Dick and Marge. It was a fun evening, and we all laughed a lot. Hopefully, I didn't scare them off! I got home to see the last 20 or 30 minutes of 'Out of Africa,' a movie I always liked, and the bits of it I got to see, did not disappoint.
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