The shortest war in history was between Zanzibar and England in 1896. Zanzibar surrendered after 38 minutes. I long for the good old days! Some days are better than others, and this day was not awful or anything like that, it just was plagued with valleys for the peaks. I kind of know how the lady holding the goose feels. Do you? Don't read too much into the question, and the feeling is not expected to be long-term, it is just sometimes you think you are going forward when, in reality, you may actually just be spinning your wheels. Not frequently, but sometimes. Whatever. The walk was good, it was still raining a little bit when we walked, but it turned out to be a lovely day in central Texas. It will be cooler tomorrow when we walk, but the temperatures will be increasing over the next couple days. I kind of think we are in the clear as far as last freeze of the season is concerned. I think we are past that point, climatically, but you never can tell. Tomorrow will be a fun day; housekeeper, picking up Melinda at the airport, hair cut, function tomorrow night in Horseshoe Bay, and then back home. Melinda then goes back to the airport early Friday morning, and I go in to the office. Everything always works out.
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