Well, this is going to be boring. I really cannot think of anything interesting to talk about this evening. Again, sleeping with the windows open overnight has its' challenges. The Curious House is situated about a quarter mile from a fancy schmancy kennel and dog day care place. Many of the dogs have nothing better to do than to bark and howl for extended periods during the night. That, in turn, makes the girls kind of curious and prone to returning the barks just in case they can be heard, which I seriously doubt. In any case, sleep for the last couple nights has been fitful at best, but I will keep doing it for the immediate future. Today makes three days that the AC has not run, and I like that a lot! It was a relatively unexciting day in the office, which is a really good thing. A lot of this and that, and I don't have anything exciting coming up this week at all...that I can think of anyway. There was a nice sunrise this morning, and that is always a good way to start the day!
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