Yeah, yeah, yeah...I voted this morning. Early voting started today in Texas, and I got there about 8:45. I estimate there were 15 voting stations, and they sere about 70% occupied, and there was a steady stream in and out of the facility. I made it in to Austin in plenty of time for my 10 o'clock appointment, and then it was off to the office. We had a birthday lunch for several of our folks (we kind of lump them all together) at Vinaigrette, one of my favorites. Cobb Salad. We generally eat outside, but there had been just a teeny bit of rain and it was REALLY humid, so we ate inside. I brought home a piece of carrot cake, and I expect it will take me a week or so to eat it. The overnight rain totals were really disappointing, we got none. During the day so far, there has been 0.03" accumulated in the backyard gauge. There is supposed to be more this evening, maybe some into tomorrow, but then again more predicted on Thursday or Friday. I hope it is raining when I wake up in the morning, so I don't have to wimp out of the morning walk. The morning glories in the back are blooming better, but NOTHING like they bloomed out at the farm. Maybe next year. AND...the lemons are beginning to turn yellow, and they are huge, as lemons go!
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