We finally got some rain last night, and a little bit more during the day. Overnight, my gauge registered 1.38", and throughout the day, about another tenth of an inch. We will take it. The temperature is much more fall like now as well. Sixty one degrees right now as I author this journal entry. There was no walk for me this morning, I had a nine o'clock appointment in Austin this morning, and a ten o'clock appointment after that. I made it home about 2:30 this afternoon, and I left at the house about 4:30 to go to Round Rock for my first meeting of the week. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday will be packed with meetings. I am excited that I have the windows open again, and the fresh air is something that I really enjoy. The meeting tonight was mainly just a planning session, making sure everyone knew what we were supposed to be doing for the next three days. Since our meetings are all being held in Round Rock, I opted to commute (twenty five minutes) back and forth instead of staying at the conference hotel. The girl dogs don't know it, but it is a pretty good sacrifice I made for them! As Texans, we are wont to over react to things, and the TREPAC team has the fireplace going in their meeting room. A little bit over the top, but you have to do it when you can do it!
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