Well, there is supposed to be a meteor shower tonight, but it may not be visible because the full moon could be too bright. I went outside to check on the moon, and it is nowhere to be seen. Bummer. Today was more of a typical Sunday. A nice walk with Jay, then brunch with the Brunch Bunch, came home, took a little nap, then off to Target to get four things. I remembered three of them, and came home with two of them. Then, I rearranged the garage a little bit, which is something I really like doing. Tomorrow, I am supposed to take the car in for an upgrade. Friday afternoon, I got a notice that I do not qualify for a loaner or Uber credits. That is a new bullying tactic. This particular car brand may be getting too big for their britches. We shall see...I may not leave the car and cancel the service they talked me into in the first place. It will all work out, I am just not sure at this minute HOW it is going to work out.
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