This day started out nice and easy breezy, and then it got a little bit crazy, and I am not sure how it will all end. I get up pretty early every morning, and usually do a couple things, then I go in into the office and check e-mails and things. I have kind-of trained a good-sized gecko that when the office desk-top light comes on, small flying insects are attracted to the light, and it means pretty good eating for him/her. I have tried to take photos of the event, and that does not just seems to daze the gecko. But it is really interesting to see him catch small flying insects, but actually, I expected his aim to be a little bit better. It sometimes takes him several tries to get one bug, but he is nothing if not persistent!
Really not a lot to talk about today. I got some stuff done in the office, and then I had a luncheon appointment about new regulations that have recently gone into effect which will, basically, slow down the home buying process. In my career, we have generally had a thirty day time from from contract to close; now it looks like we will be working on a 45 day window. New regulations concern things like Truth-in-Lending disclosures and appraisals. Things have the opportunity to become VERY complicated right about now, and the National Association of REALTORS is trying to get things back to normal, and asking for more study on these new regulations. Anyway, if you are considering the purchase of a new home (wink-wink) just let me know and I will fill you in.
I need to leave the office and go walk a couple properties; one that has an application for lease, and one that closed yesterday. Just minor detail stuff, but one is in the University area and the other is north off IH-35. Not so bad for the up-north one, but the University one is gonna be a killer with traffic at this time of day!
Well, life is good and it just keeps getting better. I ended up not having to go to the University area property, got the information I needed over the telephone. AND, traffic on the concrete highway was moving along quite nicely, I must say! So, got the stuff done at the North side property, and then, lo and behold, it started raining on me about seven miles from the house. And when I got home, we had about a third of an inch in the old reliable rain gauge. So, all is well that ends well. I had called Michael on the way home, and asked him if he had a plan for baling hay, and he said he thought it might rain (then added "probably not" jut for good measure) so we really got side tracked about hay baling. Anyway, I think there will be more hay for us in the near term, and all indications are that El Nino may work some magic for us in the fall, winter and spring. Just about the time I have solar panels installed on the house, we will never see the sun will be dark, gloomy and rainy for the rest of eternity!
Salmon for dinner tonight, and Brussels (spell check says this is correct, but I am not sure) sprouts with a hint of maple syrup on them. The ingredients list bacon and brown sugar, so that is close enough to brown syrup for me! YUM!
This is where I put the stuff about doing nice things for folks who do not expect it of you, and to try to do something nice to make our world a better place. So, you know the drill! Have Fun!
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