I think I have driven this car (my current car) longer than I have driven any car I have EVER owned (and that would include A LOT of cars!). My current car has 75,000 miles on it, and last Saturday (two days ago) was the first time I have EVER used the CD player in the car. I have had a breakthrough! I am no longer controlled by talk radio. Well, I really doubt that I was every controlled by talk radio, but... My car also have XM radio in it, and I just like to listen to talk radio. I have been becoming more and more inclined to just turn off the offensive channel. One local AM radio station gives you a traffic update every five minutes in the morning, and I now know what the longest thing in the world is. It is, if you happen to switch over to catch the traffic reports too early, very painful just to listen to the talk show hosts (?) rant on-and-on with their uncivil incantations just to know if there is bad traffic ahead. So, I have happily discovered my CD player, and I have begun listening to my boring 70's, 80's and beyond CD's. It has done wonderful things for me. I actually realized this afternoon, on my way home (and this was actually the first day of this new routine) that I was driving much less aggressively. I was in the middle lane, not in the fast lane, and I was okay with that. I think that is worth a lot. I hope this trend will continue, and I will keep you informed.
Today was a busy and good day. Lots of stuff going on in the office, mostly office stuff for me. Rents (for the most part) are all in, and we will begin processing statements later this week. I ran several errands throughout the day, and all that was good. It is still extremely hot, and I am sort of tired of that. We are at lease having some breezes, so it is hot and humid, but there is a little breeze to make it a little bit more tolerable.

Got Bikes? I have seen folks all around hanging these old bikes on their fences, and I am going to try and start picking up old bikes wherever I can find them. I think it will be another addition to the 'yard art' of the farm, and I wonder how long it will take me to collect enough to get started. I need to cover about 825 feet of fence in the front of the property. So, if I figure an average bike will be about 4 feet long, that will be about 207 old bikes I need to collect and paint to get the thing going. Please feel free to let me know if you have any old bikes laying around. They do not need tires, pedals, chains or any of those things, really all I need is enough parts so it will be recognizable as a bicycle. I think I can get this one before the end of the year. What are your thoughts?
Joy got a Tuscan Cantaloupe at the grocery today. Do you think that means it was shipped here all the way from Italy? I do not think that would be very ecologically correct if that is the case. I will need to check into that.
Have yourself a nice day/afternoon/evening. Do something kind and unexpected for someone, and that could include just listening to a CD in the car instead of talk radio. That would be a good thing for all of us! Have Fun!
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