Today was a really good day at the office, with the possible exceptions of two over-bookings...I totally forgot I was supposed to have lunch with a friend, and later in the day I had another scheduling conflict, but save for those two mess-ups, it was a great day. I got into the office really early, and had great quiet time to get things done. I got several things crossed off my to-do list. SWEET!
I left the house before sun-up this morning, so traffic was really no trouble. I also worked my way north this afternoon with other appointments, so I was able to miss the really bad traffic on IH-35. Tomorrow I will need to take the truck into Austin, since I have a few errands to do that will need more space than the Prius. This will only be the second time I have taken the truck to work, and it is always a fun thing to do.
Tomorrow is also the monthly NARPM luncheon meeting, and that will be interesting. Lots of stuff going on.
Seems like I have nothing else of any interest to report, so I will close this entry. Be kind to someone, and try to have fun doing it!
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