Pavlov's Cattle! Welcome to the JB Acres farm in central Texas, home to NOT the smartest Longhorn cattle in the vicinity. They are pretty much aware of their surroundings...whenever I move the feed troughs or whenever I am present in any capacity, they think it is time for them to be fed, and they are generally correct. Today, early this morning (before breakfast) my intention was to go move the feed troughs from one pasture to the other, and while they were being distracted with the feed, I was going to move another bale of hay into their pasture. Everything went pretty much according to plan, but they were all really interested with what I was doing with the tractor, so they got in one area of the pasture, and six of the ten of them could not figure out how to get back where they came from. So, there I was with my toilet plunger (what I use when I am working them to protect myself) leading six big Longhorns into the bigger pasture like I was leading rats out of the city. Anyway, once I got them to the troughs, there were content to pretty much leave me alone, and I was able to take the hay into the pasture without them being all that curious about what I was doing.

SNAKE IN THE GRASS! After cattle chores, it was time for breakfast, and I made one of my famous egg loafs, and Jody and I finished radding the paper. After breakfast, I got up and was taking coffee grounds and egg shells out to the compost heap, and I was going to walk over and rinse out the bucket we use to collect compost materials inside the house, and I nearly stepped on this snake. SCARED THE LIVING DAYLIGHTS OUT OF ME! We believe it is a King Snake, but not 100% sure. Positively sure it is not poisonous, since we only have three types of poisonous snakes in this area; ratters, copperheads and coral snakes. Pretty sure it was not one of those, definitely not a rattler unless it had been on the losing end of a previous fight somewhere. Anyway, we watched the snake until he went on about his business. I also think this is the same kind of snake that ate the fish in one of the small ponds in front of the house, and the same kind of snake that lives in the garage. I saw that snake one day last week, and he looked like he had just had a meal (of mouse we hope). We are not big on killing snakes, they all have their function in the ecology of the area, although if it had been a rattler, I would have done my best to make sure it was a dead rattler. Let's put it this way; one of us would have been hurt really badly, hopefully not me.
So, after that flurry of activity, Jody and I went into Belton, Teas, wondering if it would be really closer for us to go there than into Austin if we were wanting to do some shopping. The results are, we really think there is just about everything we need to shop for in Georgetown, which is the closest of all, and if we really need something that we think we can only find in Austin, at least we are familiar with the area, and don't have to fumble around looking for the places to shop.
Came home, had lunch, took naps, watched a movie, and then we went back into Round Rock to do a little bit of shopping; Men's Wearhouse, PetCo and Fire Bowl for take-out dinner for tonight. YAY Firebowl! We love that, and even though Mama Fu's is good, we still prefer Fire Bowl. Glad we found one in Round Rock, close enough to go to whenever we want.
On the way back from Round Rock, we got some sprinkles of rain, and the temperature registered in my car went from 103 degrees to 79 degrees in just that ride home. Incredible! We were happy to see the rain, and it was actually raining at the house when we got there, not enough to register anything in the rain gauge, but we know we had a little brief shower, and we will take whatever we can get.
Almost time for supper...cannot delay eating! Be a good citizen of the world, try to do something nice for someone else, and always reward yourself for a job well done. Have Fun!
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