EDIT: Okay, I think the name of the frozen custard place was 'Bob-Jo's' and it was on Fort Street, but still not sure if it was in Wyandotte or Southgate. Do not confuse it with 'Bob-Lo' which was an amusement park in the middle of the Detroit River, kind of like an early version of Six Flags. I NEVER WENT to 'Bob-Lo', we were not that economically advantaged. If any of my RCHS FB friends know for sure what the name of the place was, let me know!
Today was another great day in paradise. Life is good at the office, and we are all taking a breather from the chaos that was last week. We are having a few lingering issues, but nothing that we cannot all cope with. Property Management and real estate is a career that is NEVER the same. New things happen from day to day, and none of the days are really predictable.
I went and removed signs and lock boxes from properties this afternoon, and was cast off in North Austin, territory that I have not really been in for a while. Lots of new things going up, and especially the new 'commuter rail' stations at North Lamar near Anderson Lane. It is almost like Austin is becoming a real city, although I have known that for quite some time. Austin is somewhere around the 15th largest city in the country, but it still feels like a smaller town to me. WELL, actually now I really live in a small town, and I think the population of Bartlett is probably about 2,500. Not sure. Anyway, got some signs and lock boxes, had a closing this afternoon. It is always nice to have closings. REALTORS are basically unemployed between closings, without the benefit of any type of unemployment insurance. That is why they made savings accounts!
When I got home from work tonight, I discovered that the rodent traps that we have placed up in the attic were working. For quite some time, we were blaming the noxious odors on the dog, and questioning the selections of food we had given him recently. We apologize for the error, and we have asked forgiveness of the dog. Anyway, nothing that a good strong black cinch sack and a couple cups of water can't fix.
Strong winds here in the country right now, severe storms predicted for counties surrounding us. Threats of temperatures below 100 degrees in the seven-day forecast. Weather forecasters are such liars! I will believe it when I feel it!
Have a nice time doing good deeds for others, and really, try to make our world a better place for all of us. It is really simple, just do one small thing a day, and all those good deeds will make a difference! Have Fun!
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