After breakfast (cinnamon rolls from Upper Crust Bakery) I went outside and started putting air in my really flat tire, so I could take it into Bartlett to get it repaired. That took a while, and before we went into Bartlett, I surveyed the new fencing we had put in behind the two current pastures, the idea being that we will open up one more pasture for the cattle and still have enough land for baling hay. The new fencing looks good, but I am still just a little bit skittish about putting the cattle out there with just two hot electric wires to keep them in. Everyone else seems to do it, and I guess I should just get over it. Time will tell.
SO...I forgot to tell you about the mouse patrol last night (half of which I am very thankful to have slept through). It seems the cat is still on mouse patrol late at night. For those of you keeping score, the score is CAT 6 - PEST CONTROL FOLKS ZERO. Anyway, it seems the cat found itself another baby mouse, and decided to present it to Jody in his bed. You can always tell when she has a mouse because of the very distinct noise she makes. Anyway, not only did she present her catch to Jody, she decided to play 'cat and mouse' on the bed with the mouse. Jody said she would let the mouse go, the mouse would try to run off, and then she would pounce and play. Some fun little cat game, I guess. I was not awakened until much later, and by then the mouse was dead, and I guess she thought her meowing could raise the dead, but it only worked to raise me. I grabbed a tissue from beside the bed, retrieved the dead mouse and unceremoniously placed it in the toilet. And as long as I was up...
Okay, so while we were getting the tire fixed, Jody was going through the CD's in the glove box, and on the way from Bartlett to the IKEA Store in Round Rock (by way of Tractor Supply in Taylor) Jody was treated to a couple cuts off the Super Tramp album, Breakfast in America. I have not heard that album in YEARS AND YEARS, but I have really good memories of it...and it has to be played LOUDLY! Poor Jody...Poor, POOR Jody! I only made him listen to two tracks, and then I turned it off. I really wanted to crank it up, but I will wait for another time.
I had a call while the movie was playing, and I am going to leave the house about 5 PM and go show three houses in Jarrell. Not too far from the house, so that is going to be fun. Tomorrow I am going to feed the cattle, and put a fresh bale of hay out for them. I will need to move the troughs first to keep them occupied while I move the hay and get the ring around it. That will be fun though, as long as I do it early in the morning before the sun really gets going.
So, today was a great day. I hope (if anyone is reading this, I have not been able to figure out if anyone ever reads these posts) that you have had a wonderful day as well, and I hope you are all as happy as I am, and feel as lucky as I feel. Try to do something nice for someone, and it will come back to you many times over. Have Fun!
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