The days got off to a slow start; I slept in later than usual (in fact Jody was up before me) and we read the paper and had breakfast. Jody made blueberry pancakes and bacon, and we were just being kind of lazy. I decided to go out and see what kind of mischief I could get into. First, I started the lawn tractor (just mainly to see if it would start) and I went out to the road and cut the grass around the mail box. I did not really want to get carried away with grass cutting because I am easily distracted. I parked the tractor and got on the mule to go and survey the cattle situation. Distracted again; our neighbor Randy and his son-in-law were out in one of his pastures (that borders one of our pastures) so I went over there to shoot-the-breeze with them. It seems that other day when we had the rain and the high winds, a tree on his property blew over and landed on the fence. They were cutting the tree down and hauling it off, then the fence will be repaired and all will be fine. There is always something to do on a farm!
I was checking the new electric fences we had put in a couple weeks ago, and one section of the fence is not 'hot'. I used the mule and visually checked all the fence, and then I walked the entire area that I suspect has shorted out, but I could not find the problem. We will figure that out later, it should be an easy fix, just need to find the short circuit.
Then I fed the cattle and put a fresh bale of hay out for them. We will move the cattle to another pasture next week, and hopefully the rains we have had will have given the grass some time to come, and the cattle will be happier with green grass instead of hay for a while. That will be the plan.
After we went to Taylor to get the cattle feed, we went into Georgetown and had our weekly 'spoiler' at Dairy Queen. We were sitting close to the bathrooms, and it was really kind of entertaining. At one point, a father took his four kids (two girls and two boys) into the men's room (we don't know if they were relieving themselves or just washing up). In the meantime, a parade of people were trying to get into the men's room, including another father with a young man that REALLY needed to go. Remember trying to squeeze it shut, and the little dance you did because you had to go so badly? Well, this kid was doing that dance! We finally told that gentleman that there were five people in the men's room, and he might need to consider using the ladies room. He did, and the manager of the DQ practically had a hissy fit because there was a man in the ladies room. We were trying to explain to her the reasoning, and she finally quit being pishy about it...but whatever. It was all really cute and totally innocent.
When we left the DQ, I needed to go walk a property that had been vacated this week, and we have tenants scheduled to move in on Monday or Tuesday. The place is pretty clean, but there will need to be some make0ready work done...carpets cleaned, a make-ready clean (no one ever cleans the blades on the ceiling fans), and a trash haul. I do not know what tenants think will be done with their trash, but it does not just magically disappear! Anyway, it will all work out okay I think.
We came home, Jody went down for a nap, and I watched five episodes of the first season of True Blood. I have never seen it, and I am trying to get up to date before the new season starts on HBO. Interesting show.
So, it is now close to being time for dinner. Leftovers, YUM! Then most likely a dip in the pool, and off to bed. Tomorrow is another day!
Try to do a small kindness for someone, and as long as you are at it, try to do something kind for yourself as well. Have Fun!
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