It is COTTON PICKIN' time in the country. When I was driving home yesterday I say the harvesters in the fields getting ready to 'pick cotton' and on the way into the office this morning the results of their labor was obvious. Large compressed bales of cotton ready for taking to the gins. These bales may sit in the fields for weeks before they are taken to be ginned, so I am not completely 100% sure of the process. I just know what I see.A few years ago, our friends Bruce and Melody were visiting from Connecticut and they were harvesting cotton in Bastrop County. Melody was riding with me and I don't think she had ever seen cotton in its' natural state, so we pulled over and she took a couple bolls home with her as a souvenir. It is a little bit different in the fields than it is in a 400 thread count sheet on the bed.

It was very still this morning when I went out to get the newspaper, and the sky was a little bit cloudy with those pop-corny kind of clouds. The few lights in the area were reflecting light up onto the clouds, and it was very attractive. Off in the distance you could see lightning, one of the benefits of living someplace where there are no other buildings around to obstruct your view. Reports had it that there was flooding in north Texas, and my friend Dawn reported her flight from Austin to Dallas was delayed because of storms in Dallas. However, when I was off to work, the sun was coming through brightly, and all was well in my little world.
The day at the office was much more calm than it had been for the earlier part of the week. It was almost like it was the calm beore the storm, but everything turned out well. I left for home about 3:45 PM, and got home just a little more than an hour later. Traffic is continuing to build towards its crescendo next week, when school terms will begin, and all the colleges in the area will once again be in session. The University of Texas at Austin alone has about 50,000 students, plus all the support staff, etc., that makes for a good bit more traffic on the roads. It is just what we have come to take for granted in the area.
Jody and I left even before the news was over to go into Georgetown for dinner tonight. Fish City Grill. I had the fried shrimp dinner, Jody had the Pecan Crusted Shrimp Salad. All were pleased with the outcome. After dinner, we stopped in to Old Navy to look at socks and boxers...all were boring, none were purchased.
Try to do something nice for someone around you, and see if you can't make the world just a little bit better place. But, remember to Have Fun!
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