Interestingly it is the middle of August already, and it seems like time is flying be more rapidly than ever. There does not seem to be enough time in the days, but I certainly do get a lot of things accomplished, and I do not seem to be messing too much stuff up. I am really enjoying the tranquility I an trying to get into my life, and it is so much easier in the decision making process. If I am already scheduled for something, I am really trying my best not to squeeze something else into the schedule. We are the inventors of convenience, and we do not want to give that up, and we want everything right now, me included.
Tomorrow will be the start of the weekend, and that will really go by quickly. I really do treasure my time at home. I may be feeling very calm because, an acquaintance of ours, not really a good friend, but just more of an acquaintance, was driving drunk recently and caused the death of four people (as of now, there are still others in the hospital). My first thought was, how sad for ____ but my next thought was, what a terrible decision he made. It is awful, but he made the decision to get behind the wheel of an automobile, and he can never UNDO what he has done. He may never see the outside of a jail for the rest of his life, and that is sad, but not nearly as sad as the consequences he placed on others. It is terrible to think that someone you know, someone who has been to your home, could cause such a tragedy to play out. I have done stupid things in my life, and I am sure I will do stupid things again, but I hope I never have to live with something like that. I am sure ____ would give anything to turn back the clock, but it cannot happen. I am very sad for all the persons involved.
So, remember to tell all the people you love that you do, and try to live each day to its' fullest. You never know what might happen, so we should all try to be kind to our friends, acquaintances, neighbors, just everyone. Try to do a good deed every day, and try to treat people the way you would like to be treated.
Sorry for the downer. Have Fun!
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