Monday, July 9, 2012

2012 - Day 191/175 - Monday...

Leave it to a little bit of rain to shake the snake skins loose from the gutters (or who knows where).  I was watching it rain after I got home from work this afternoon, and looked out the window and wondered where that cheese cloth had come from that was stuck on the rain (hehe) gutter.  Then it hit me, and that sound you heard was me screaming like a girl.  It was a snake skin.  Some snake had shed its' skin somewhere, and the rains washed it into the gutter.  I wonder if that means there are snakes in the attic?  That makes for a comfortable nights sleep.


ANYWAY, we got over four-and-a-half inches of rain is about an hour and a half (and it is still raining).  I bet there is some water in the tanks back in the pastures, AND that probably means we will get another cutting of hay this season, so that is GREAT!

Make a note:  I opened a new box (yes, box) of wine tonight, so we are going to see how long a box (5 Liters) of wine lasts me.  I am thinking it lasts at least a week, because I certainly am not drinking a liter of wine a day.  A generous rocks glass, maybe two glasses (the bar sizes) per day, but certainly NOT a liter.  Oh great, now I am in denial.  I DO NOT HAVE A PROBLEM.  Crap...

It is still raining just ever so slightly, and five wet and un-happy chickens are on the roost.  The three original girls spent the precipitatious event under the front porch huddled by the front door.  They are dry and scratching around for food.  I have no idea where the newest three girls rode out the storm, but they too are dry and pecking around.  I need to go and put everyone to bed.

Deeds, Actions, Changes, RAIN, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!

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