Saturday, May 16, 2020

Volume 12 - Day 137/229, 2020 - Saturday

The day will come, too soon enough, when I will be posting photos of wrecks and traffic jams, so in the meantime, I will just regale you with more cloud photos. I think this one is pretty interesting. Apparently it rained overnight, and stormed too, as evidenced by the 1.42" I emptied out of the gauge this morning. It was still raining a little bit when I woke up, but nothing major. Lots of people in Austin were without electrical service, and it might have been lightning that caused a condo fire in South Padre Island. But, I slept through the whole thing. I took the girls for a ride this morning, and that was fun, and then I went down for the first of a couple naps. After naps and some serious consideration, I went into the HEB in Taylor this afternoon, not because I needed anything, but just because I wanted to go somewhere. When I got home, I went down for another nap. After dinner, I got a phone call from the 'independent insurance appraiser,' who said he would send in his report to the insurance company tonight or tomorrow. You may recall, I had a text message from the insurance company last week that they were sending me a check for $416. I had another text this morning that they were sending me another check. I think it is interesting that the appraiser has (apparently) not sent in his report yet, but they are sending me checks. Just keep the checks coming and I will keep quiet! There is no more rain in the seven-day forecast, and so far this month we have had less than two inches of rain. May is supposed to be one of our rainiest months, so it better get into gear!

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