Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Volume 12 - Day 281/85, 2020 - Wednesday

I am pretty sure today is Wednesday. Let me be clear, the first FOUR hours of my waking day went as planned. THE FIRST FOUR HOURS... After 10 o'clock this morning, I was not in charge of my own destiny, but in the end, I regained control at about 7:15. During the nine plus hours that I was not in charge, it was painful, and at the same time ethereal. It was like I was looking down at what was happening. I just looked up the word 'ethereal,' just to make sure, and I am going to go with that. I had already changed and/or adjusted my schedule, and during the day (the part where I was not in charge), I had to revise/change/adjust the plans for the day that had already been changed/adjusted. The last two hours became really fun, and I was having a great time, because everyone was giddy and ready to be done. Everything will work out, and I will have some fun stories to tell (a couple years from now), and I met some really wonderful, nice, lovely and interesting people. It's just that I do not like not being in control. And speaking of control, this is nothing new, but rules are rules. I am not really keen on following rules. What follows that sentence was something of a political comment, and I erased it, for the good of all involved. You're welcome!

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