I am not much in the mood to talk about anything controversial or political at the moment. Or the next moment, or the moment after that. I am tired and feeling beat up with it all, and I don't think I will be in the mood tomorrow, either. And as long as I am on the subject, why does 'auto-correct' think tganks is a real word? It willy-nilly changes other words, but not tganks. It is pretty obvious to me (the guy who was disqualified in the seventh grade spelling bee for spelling 'burglar' as 'bugler'), that tganks is NOT a word, and I am not as smart as auto-correct in most instances. What else can I complain about? Let me think. Let's talk about the weather. It is the 22nd day of October, and it was 90 degrees here today. There is supposed to be a cold front come through tomorrow afternoon, and the temperatures are supposed to lessen next week, and there are three days with chances of rain in the forecast. Last week there were predicting our first freeze next week, but that has been cast aside. Snakes. You want to talk about snakes? I have not seen anymore of the rattle snake I saw a couple weeks ago, but I know it is around here somewhere. Loose livestock. Let's tale about loose livestock. There do not seem to be any extra cattle on the property today, so that has been taken care of. Clouds. Let's talk about clouds for just a few seconds, and then I am gonna cut off this blog entry. The clouds were absolutely beautiful this afternoon, so I thought I would share this picture with you. Concentrate. Focus. Breathe deeply. Close your eyes. Say ayummmmmmmmm. Feel better? It sometimes works for me.
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