They cut on Monday, and the raked and baled yesterday. I think the front field got about 18 bales...just a quick count. I haven't been out in the back to see what is back there, but however many it is, it's plenty! Our last hundred degree day was September 1st, so September was actually a pretty good month, lower temperatures and 7.7" of rain, that is a really good month. This month is predicted to be average temperatures, but BELOW average rainfall. And October is supposed to be one of our wetter months. Doggone it! I have NO zoom meetings tomorrow, so I am going to take my time going in to the office, and hopefully there will be an estate sale somewhere close to the office that we can attend. We try to make that a Friday ritual, but the covids got us behind, so we are just trying to get back into the swing of Friday's. I think tomorrow I may try out the headlight lens restorer I bought at the auto parts place a couple weeks ago, and see if that will work on the truck headlight lenses. Can't hurt, that's for sure. And then there is the weekend...I am not sure what I will be doing over the weekend, but I expect I will come up with something for Saturday, and then probably just hang around the house on Sunday.
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