Big changes are in the air, and I am right in the middle of all of it. There was supposed to be a cold front come through the area this afternoon, but it never made it...the temperature was 93 this afternoon, and even I think that is a little bit excessive. I got in to the office this morning, and got a good bit of work done before my first zoom call at 1 o'clock. Then I left the office to go to a meeting, and logged on to the wifi where my meeting was for my 3 o'clock zoom. We can all adapt to things, we just need to have the will to do it. This will be a pretty calm week, but the next two weeks will be a little bit harried. Big Texas REALTOR® meetings the 27th and 28th, and then more on November 4th and 5th. I will need to take a break to catch my breath after those meetings. Hopefully, the weather will chill out to take the edge off everyone's tempers for the next month or so. It is an interesting time in which we live.
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